I want to share some really cool HD Hulk Wallpaper images. As one of the superhero characters the hulk has his own charisma, here is a collection of hulk images below:
Hulk Cartoon
Hulk Wallpaper
hulk fanart
hulk poster
hulk 3d
Hulk Wallpaper HD
hulk thor
hulk vs thor
hulk vs wolverine
hulk wallpaper
Various Form Of Hulk
Bruce Banner is an intelligent scientist who has multiple personalities due to his childhood trauma. After being exposed to gamma ray radiation, that dual personality then manifests in the form of the Hulk. In this form, Banner gains tremendous strength but becomes difficult to control his emotions. That's the Hulk we've known. However, did you know that there are many other versions of the Hulk? If you're curious, here is a short profile of the various types of Hulks in Marvel comics!
# 1 - Savage Hulk
Savage Hulk is the figure of the Hulk we have always known. He has a very strong physique, but tends to be stupid and difficult to control. In this form, Bruce Banner's strength can continue to increase with anger. In fact, Beyonder (one of Marvel's strongest characters) thought that what limited Savage Hulk's strength was only the level of his anger. The angrier he was, the more invincible he became.
# 2 - Joe Fixit
Joe Fixit or it can be called Gray Hulk is one of the weakest incarnations of the Hulk. Even so, he has good intelligence and is able to socialize with other people. Joe Fixit is arrogant, cunning and good at lying. The appearance is quite trendy with a clean and tidy complete suit. He even worked as a bouncer in Las Vegas.
# 3 - The Professor (Merged Hulk)
The Professor is a version of the Hulk that Bruce Banner can control. He has the normal power of the Savage Hulk as well as the intelligence of Bruce Banner. Unfortunately, in this form Bruce Banner is unable to get stronger when angry, so Bruce Banner prefers Savage Hulk to return.
# 4 - Maestro
Maestro is the figure of the Hulk from one of Marvel's alternative worlds. Unlike before, this version of the Hulk is not only strong, but also smart, cunning and even a masher. You could say that Maestro is a combined version of Savage Hulk, Joe Fixit and The Professor. Yup, Maestro has the power of Savage (even much stronger), the intelligence of The Professor and the cunning of Joe Fixit.
# 5 - Mindless Hulk
Mindless Hulk is in Bruce Banner's mind and can only be found when he is dreaming or unconscious. He is one of the most dangerous incarnations of the Hulk, having repeatedly tried to take over Bruce Banner's mind and control the Savage Hulk's powers. When Banner fails to control Savage, usually Mindless takes control and makes Savage do bad things.
# 6 - Guilt Hulk
Guilt Hulk is one of the strongest versions of the Hulk. He had been in Bruce Banner for a long time, but only appeared in physical form when Betty Rose, Banner's wife died. His figure was quite monstrous, with claws, fangs and a fiery mouth.
# 7 - Beast Hulk
Beast is the wildest version of the Hulk. He is in the deepest minds of Bruce Banner that even other versions of the Hulk fear (Beast once defeated Savage and Gray simultaneously without difficulty). The only way to defeat Beast is with Bruce Banner's strong determination to eliminate the Beast figure in his mind.
# 8 - Ultimate Hulk
Ultimate Hulk originates or lives in the Ultimate world. In that world, Bruce Banner gets his strength from the Super Soldier serum (just like Captain America). Ultimate is a version of the Hulk that is stronger, more brutal and fiercer than the other versions. He is the embodiment of all the negative emotions that have been buried in Bruce Banner.
# 9 - Squared Hulk
Squared is a more extreme version of Savage. This figure appears when Banner is trapped in the dimension of time, where he turns into Squared Hulk and then destroys the fortress of time.
# 10 - Doc Green
Bruce Banner, who was critical due to being hit in the head, received extremis serum from Tony Stark. This serum manages to save his life but also turns Banner into the new Hulk who calls himself Doc Green. He has a very arrogant nature and is believed to be the first phase in the change towards Maestro.
# 11 - Kluh
Is an advanced version of Doc Green. He turns into Kluh after feeling sad about being attacked by the superhero Avangers. Kluh has a very selfish nature and likes to break things.
# 12 - Green Scar
Green Scar or Sakaarson is the name Hulk from the inhabitants of Planet Sakaar. In the story 'Planet Hulk', there appears a slightly different incarnation of the Hulk. This version of the Hulk has the power of Savage Hulk but with the personality (similar to) Bruce Banner. Green Scar even has the ability to swords like a knight. In the comic, Green Scar had become King on Planet Sakaar and married Caiera. From this marriage, Green Scar has two children, Skaar and Hiro-Kala. (Read: Married Marvel and DC Superheroes)
# 13 - World Breaker
Here comes the strongest and most terrifying version of the Hulk. After absorbing the explosion of the planet Sakaar, the Hulk gains tremendous power. Plus his anger, he can easily defeat the superhero combination of Fantastic Four, Iron Man, Avengers, X-Men, Sentry and so on. Every step of the World Breaker Hulk caused earthquakes and damage everywhere. If he wanted to, he could even destroy Earth easily...